Saturday, August 31, 2019

North and South as the civil war began Essay

As the Civil War began, each side had certain advantages and disadvantages. The North had great advantages in manpower, material, and organization. It had more than twice the population of the South, and many more factories to produce war supplies. The U.S. government had been functioning well for many decades, and the national level had sufficient powers under the Constitution to wage war effectively. The South had some advantages as well. Most Southern men were experienced in riding horses, hunting, and shooting. Its military leaders were experienced and effective, while the Northern armies struggled to find good leadership. Southerners were fighting to defend their own land, and thus had a strong incentive to fight well. The political organization of the Confederacy, however, was a disadvantage to the South from a military point of view. The CSA constitution created a loose association of the individual states, and it was sometimes difficult to get all of them to work together smoothly. The North used its advantages well as the war moved past the first year. It blockaded the South with a long line of ships to stop trade with Europe. It took control of the Mississippi River, thus dividing the South in two. It attacked deep into the heart of the South, winning control of large areas. With the victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg in 1863, even many Southerners sensed that the days of the Confederacy were numbered.

Parenting Techniques and Their Influences on Their Child’s Behavior and Habits Essay

Parenting techniques and beliefs are essential to the growth of any child. Parents instill habits, behaviors, and moral sense in to their children at an early age. Children benefit when parents engage themselves in to their child’s life. In saying that, parents also have to learn to adapt to what their child needs and teach them to assert themselves and become independent. Habits children pick up are usually either picked up from their parents or tolerated by their parents. It is the parent’s responsibility to assess what is right for their child and correct any bad habits they may learn along the way. Socioeconomic status is a huge factor in how a topic of parenting techniques can be studied. Any subject pertaining to parenting style and their influences can be linked to their social class. I will focus most of my discussion on the effects of overall parenting techniques and how socioeconomic factors and be linked to those techniques. Keywords: parenting styles, socioeconomic status, children Parenting Techniques and Their Influences on Their Child’s Behavior and Habits. Parenting techniques are a very important factor in the development of children. Children learn from an early age their moral senses, the behaviors and habits that are acceptable, and they develop an understanding on what role their actions can play in their life. Parenting along with socioeconomic status and culture are great determining factors in understanding how a child has learned from their parents and what to expect from that particular child. Parents evolve their parenting techniques as they learn how their child naturally behaves and as the child learns from what the parents have instilled. In the study conducted by Rubin, Nelson, Hastings, and Asendorpf (1999), the primary purpose was to investigate the relations between a child’s social inhibitions and the parent’s beliefs on how to best socialize their child. The study determined that both the mother and father tend to follow their child’s dispositional cues on how they should be socialized. The parents would adapt to how the child reacted in a social situation. For example, if the child exhibited shyness, they would alter how they went about socializing. In this study, I agree that parents do evolve with their children and with an agreed upon authoritative style of parenting, both the father and mother would act accordingly to what the study found. The study was a longitudinal study but only followed up once after the initial results; I believe the study would have been more effective had it been followed up until at the least early childhood. In terms of diversity, I feel this study could have been greatly improved upon. Differences may or may not occur between different cultures and races, but the researchers chose not to delve into any demographic exploration on the topic. The socioeconomic status of the parents could also have an effect on how they were able to socialize their child. If the family was from the working-class, they may not have time to socialize their children as effectively. Many factors could have made this study more effective in determining the socialization of the child and the parents’ influences. Children also take after their parents behaviors. Eating habits in children may be partly due to genetic dispositions but are greatly impacted by their environment and the behaviors they are being taught. Birch and Fisher’s (1998) main concern in their study was that childhood obesity was not just simply linked to genetic factors but also environmental factors. The risk of a child becoming obese with two obese parents is very high, opposed to having non-obese parents. This is due to the child following the bad eating habits of the parents. Genes and environment are highly correlated because they are both typically provided by parents. Obese parents would need to acknowledge that there might be an issue and act on it accordingly and instill good eating habits to their children. The researchers of this study also chose not to cover any demographic characteristics such as age or socioeconomic factors. A longitudinal study exhibiting ages when a child learns eating habits and gaining weight would improve the study. Socioeconomic status could also play a large role in what the child had available to eat. In many studies, it is said that many lower or working class families struggle with obesity due to the lack of funds to get healthier foods. Social status would also explain if the parents were not there to monitor what the child was eating. This would affect a lot of qualities in the study had it been chosen to be covered. Differences between race and social classes have been studied for many decades. In an article by Bodovski (2010), she stated that Lareau (2003) examined how socioeconomic status and race backgrounds influenced how parents raised their children and how the children benefited academically. The social class in which a family is raised shapes their values, behavior, and explains what they have available as resources. Middle-class and upper-middle-class families actively reinforce their involvement in their child’s learning and socialization. This social class has a wide array of opportunities to expose their children to including sports, art, dance, and many other extracurricular activities. Middle-class families also encourage their children to stand up for themselves through example and therefore the children learn cultural codes and behaviors that facilitate their achievement (Lareau, 2003). Lower-class and working-class families feel their primary responsibility to their children is taking care of their needs, such as housing, food, and clothing (Bodovski, 2010). These children usually socialize with other family members and their nearby community rather than participate in extracurricular activities. Typically, working-class families experience more hesitancies in asserting themselves and their children also learn these behaviors. Lareau (2003) did not find significant racial differences in parenting styles once social class differences between families were taken into consideration (Bodovski, 2010). This study was very well diversified. It focused predominately on socioeconomic status which is a large factor in how well a parent will have accessibility to resources for their children and it also explains how much time the children are around their parents. The study also features race and explained that there were no significant differences. Late-elementary school children were studied along with their parents, which I believe is a good age range to focus on for an effective study. These articles are just a few facets on how parents influence and teach their children. Overall, when looking at parenting techniques, it is always important to look at socioeconomic status and how the parents can adapt to their children’s needs.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Did Alexander II deserve the title Tsar Liberator? Essay

A liberator is defined as someone who releases people from captivity or bondage. For Alexander II to deserve the title of Tsar Liberator he would have to have released the Russian people from bondage. In 1861 Alexander II passed the Ukase of the emancipation of the serfs, which saw the freeing of 40 million serfs. Whilst in theory this was a good idea in practice things didn’t work out as planned as there was no structure to how the process was carried out. The change came about for the wrong reasons instead of emancipating the serfs for the growth of industry in Russia, Alexander did it out of fear that if he didn’t abolish it from above it would be destroyed from below; he was simply trying to protect his autocracy. The emancipation was flawed, serfs were given plots of land that were 20% smaller than what they needed just to feed their family, they were expected to earn their own money selling the produce they had grown but they had no idea how to and were given no help. Serfs were also expected to pay for the plots of land they had been given over the course of 49 years; the average life expectancy was around 40 years so the debt was passed down through the family. As the population of Russia increased the size of land the serfs were given became smaller and smaller and so people were finding it increasingly difficult to be able to grow enough food to feed their family and have enough produce left over to sell in order to make loan repayments. Whilst Alexander II did in theory liberate the serfs they were still bound through the repayment of debt, so he would be unworthy of the title tsar liberator as he never truly released them. In 1864 Alexander II introduced a more modern western style legal system. This included the introduction of judges that could not be swayed by bribery, juries and courts. For the first time Russians were offered the chance of a fair trial, and a considerable freedom of expression. It was thought that due to this reform the court room became the only place in Russia that real freedom of speech prevailed. However any political cases were removed from courts and the Tsar’s secret police could still arrest people at will. This was a big step forward for Russia and does contribute to Alexander II deserving the title Tsar Liberator, but the reform was limited because not all cases could be taken to court, and the Tsar was still using his secret police to arrest whoever he liked. Next local government reforms that saw the introduction of Zemstavs and the Dumas that held local power over public health, prisons, roads, agriculture and education. This provided new opportunities for local political participation. But there were still imitations as the Tsar’s word was still law and he could overrule the Zemstavs any time he wanted, the Zemstav was not a equal representation of the public as it was made up of mainly gentry so peasants were not able to have their say, and the Zemstav was often short of money making them open to bribes from influential people. This reform would not earn Alexander II the title of Tsar Liberator, because although it was a good idea and a step towards liberating the public and letting them have their say, the system put in place was corrupt and was not an accurate representation of the population, therefore it did not liberate very many people and the Tsar still had an over ruling power in order to protect his autocracy. Alexander reformed the army in order to modernize and strengthen it. He reduced the length of conscription from 25 years to 6 years and introduced universal military service for all males over 20. This meant that people were becoming more skilled and disciplined and would have time to use these new found skills in the world outside of the army. By drastically cutting the length of conscription Alexander made being a part of the army less of a life sentence, thus releasing the Russian people. This action would make him worthy of the title Tsar Liberator as it left the Russian people free to experience life outside of the army. Censorship was relaxed and education policies became more liberal, meaning that university students were now able to learn about life outside of Russia and leave Russia in order to study. This liberated Russian scholars as they were able to learn about other places and about their governments and philosophy, but it caused an increase in student radicalism, and political instability. This in some cases lead to riots. This was liberating in the sense that it Russian became aware of a life outside of Russia, where allowed to talk about what was happening elsewhere and were able to leave Russia to study elsewhere. This would make Alexander II worthy of the title Tsar Liberator. Alexander II did not deserve the title of ‘Tsar Liberator’ because whilst some of his reforms could be seen as liberating the Russian public he was simply finding a new way to have a hold over them for example through debt. To truly be ‘Tsar Liberator’ Alexander would have had to give the public more of a say in how the county was ran, doing this would have destroyed his autocracy, which is something he was not willing to do.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Write a Persuasive Memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Write a Persuasive Memo - Assignment Example After last week’s board of management meeting, students learning at the university will have the best scholarship opportunities. Students from all states and backgrounds have equal chances to learn at the institution. The university plans to roll out a plan to fund personal effects of students from humble family backgrounds. The university has the best infrastructure and facilities that offer students conducive atmosphere favoring learning and research. The facilities and the incubation labs set up within the institution is the center for international research where all approval of all global researches takes place. We have the best teaching and technical staff panel with internationally envied reputations. The institution boasts of having the best professor to student relationships in the world. The close relationship improves student motivation to a more personal level, with the student’s progress monitored and directed at all stages of

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Markets and the Economy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Markets and the Economy - Term Paper Example These built-in stabilizers are: transfer payments and income taxes. During economic downturn, government employs loose fiscal policy in order to increase aggregate demand which leads the economy towards recovery. The government offers subsidiaries to the business sector in order to reduce the level of unemployment. The tax cut increase the profit at the cost of decrease government revenue. According to the Keynesian economists, an expansionary fiscal policy employed by the government during the recession could stabilize the economy. This is so because as the result of this policy aggregate demand will increase that will stimulate the passive economy. This point of view of loose fiscal policy is rejected by many economists on the ground that the increase in aggregate demand (AD) will generate the crowding out situation in an economy. A crowding out situation means the fall in the spending of the private sector as the result of increased government spending. However, this rejection is ruled out by the counter argument that ‘crowding out’ will not formulate because the government will increase its spending only by using its previously unemployed resources. IS curve is a curve that is formed to show a negative relation between the interest rate and the income. During the time period of recession, the effectiveness of the fiscal policy depends on the sensitivity of IS curve. The effect of the fiscal policy will be greater in case of steeper IS curve whilst it will be less in case of flatter IS curve. Thus, in case of inelastic IS curve (steeper) the fiscal policy will be effective due to a little crowding out of the private investment. Khan (2010) indicated in an article that it is important for economies to keep deficit as low as possible in order to be able to meet the deficit by use of domestic resources or by borrowing from international fund providers. A low budget deficit helps an economy to become stabilized early by meeting

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Management for Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management for Organizations - Essay Example Also, the logo of Ron Jon is popular worldwide (Ron Jon website, the History) while the logo of Hilo Hattie is not recognizable at international level. It should be noted that both companies emphasize on the uniqueness and the range of their products, as a competitive advantage towards their competitors. Hilo Hattie is the only retailer in Hawaii that offers to its customers an extremely high range of products. Ron Jon has emphasized on products related only to Surf, aiming to address customers in the specific sector. Specializing on Surf-related products Ron Jon is able to provide to its customers a high range of products of this category. In the websites of the two companies elements can be retrieved in regard to their organizational planning, leading and control. These elements are presented in Table 1 below. Companies/ Element in the website Ron Jon Surf Shop Hilo Hattie Organizational planning In the section ‘Our Company’; employees are highly valued; emphasis is al so given on the firm’s corporate environment In the section ‘Fun Stuff’ and the sub-section ‘About Hilo Hattie’; the key target of the company has been its development into a major centre of vacation shopping. Organizing In the section ‘Our Company’ / subsection: History; the company has developed its own stores but it also highly based on partnerships. In the section ‘Fun Stuff’ and the sub-section ‘About Hilo Hattie’; the company operates exclusively through its own stores. Important information on the company’s daily operations are also included in the section ‘Info’; for example, the return of a product is based on the rules included in the Returns & Exchanges sub-section Staffing In the section ‘Careers’; Employee benefits include ‘Employee discounts and Educational Assistance’ Vacancies are presented through the website’s section ‘Contact Usâ€℠¢ and the sub-section ‘Careers’; no information is provided in regard to the terms of employment in the company’s stores Leading In the section ‘Our Company’; emphasis is given on the store’s founder, Ron DiMenna and his leading style which is followed by the stores’ managers; securing fun for customers is among the priorities of the company’s leading aspect (Reilly, Minnick & Baack 2011, p.3) The only information provided in regard to the company’s leading is included in the section ‘Contact Us’ and the sub-section ‘Management team’ Control The control over the selling process is secured through a series of rules including in the document under the title ‘Routine and Compliance Guide’, as updated in Jan 2013; the Guide is included in the section ‘Our Company’ and the sub-section ‘Vendor Info’ The company’s operations are aligned with a series of rules included in the section ‘Info’; for example, customers’ privacy is secured while the terms of Returns and Exchanges are analytically described in the relevant sub-section Table 1 – Organizational elements in the companies’ websites Question 2 Company Valuation - Dunkin Donuts The company’s distinctive competence is its brand name as the most popular ‘chain of baked goods and coffee’

Monday, August 26, 2019

Undecided Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Undecided - Essay Example Sethe forcefully made a decision that would haunt her forever, to kill a life which had grown inside of her. Just because it was what she had to do. The sister of Vladek did the same thing in MAUS. She not only killed herself but also her three children to save them from a pain that death could not compare with and to save them from a life that would offer them only suffering and pain without any hope. The Holocaust is all about speaking about all the unspeakable things that happens in our lives but difficult to accept. The death suicide of wife, the struggle to stay alive while your family and friends die around you feet and the guilt of having survived was such things of Vladek's life. The pain of what Sethe went through is quite similar. She never gets to Beloved to tell her that what she did was right. She had a fear to loose Beloved. This fear was due to the fact that the unspeakable would never have been spoken. Art was the Beloved of Vladek. Art no doubt was the reminder of Richieu, Anja and of everything that he loved in this world. This is what made him speak the unspeakable thing. ... The entire family of Vladek was burned by the Nazis. He did what all was possible for him to save himself and the one that he loved. At the end of Volume I, Art has been begging Vladek to let him see the diary of his mother from the war. Vladek has not only thrown them away but burned them with the memories of Anja, Art's mother. Art walks away from Vladek's house thinking that Vladek is a "Murderer..". But on the other hand, if he had kept the diaries then he would have preserved the pain inside him. This was his way of dealing with the pain he had in his heart. In a scene in MAUS Volume II, Vladek don't find any harm in destroying a fly with pesticide and he knows that people were killed in Auschwitz with a pesticide gas, Zyclon B. but still, he thinks of destroying a bug this way without any hesitation. Again in the second volume, Art, his wife Francoise, and Vladek were driving home from the supermarket. Art's wife has decided to pick up a hitchiker, which happened to be black. V ladek lost it and claims that all colored people steal. Despite of being a survivor, he would have remained a victim of the Holocaust. The story is factual and a true portrayal of a life constantly in struggle. He fought to save himself from a pain worse than death. This was the pain of losing the wish to live. Vladek survived as a lonely old man. This makes this book really unique and memorable. It shows a vision of the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Human Trafficking Throughout the World Research Paper

Human Trafficking Throughout the World - Research Paper Example   Human trafficking, as a problem, persisted within society since ages, which was regarded as illegal, unfair and immoral based on humanitarian principles in the modern era. Even though, in recent scenario it has only accelerated to a next level. Initially, human trafficking was conducted mainly for sexual trade or for the purpose of sourcing labor in hazardous working environment. But in the modern era, the network has apparently expanded its motive to even illegal health care practices concerning the removal of human organ (WHO, 2012). Correspondingly, this research paper intends to discuss about the theories and views related to human trafficking by reviewing various literatures studied in the recent years. Furthermore, the paper reflects about the underlying issues such as race, ethnicity, sex and family among others, that has been contributing to human trafficking. Analysis of Relevant Theoretical and Practical Issues Trafficking is often criticized and opposed as the widespre ad display of the modern-day slavery. Research conducted with respect to this issue, ascertained that around four million humans are trafficked worldwide every year. In the era of globalization and technological advancements, many factors have been contributory and assisting the criminals to frame a strong network, which further applied for human trafficking and thus, can be regarded as a major reason for the rise observed in this type of crime (Dalrymple, 2005). Trafficking against human beings was considered as the violation the normative principles of humanity in early days, which has been lawfully defined as a crime in the modern society as well, emphasizing the human rights and democratic values of an economy today (Chuang, 2006). Astonishingly, every country is affected by trafficking mainly for sexual exploitation and forced labor (Costa, 2008). In accordance to Costa (2008), the data derived from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reflects about the problem pertaining to trafficking of people from 127 countries to 137 countries for exploitation (Costa, 2008). In the view of Costa (2008: 6), â€Å"†¦Trafficking in persons is dynamic, adaptable, opportunistic and, like many other forms of criminal activity, it takes advantage of conflicts, humanitarian disasters and the vulnerability of people in situations of crisis†. To combat with the rising toll of trafficking crimes, various measures have been taken by global governing bodies in alliance with the national regulatory institutions. For instance, International Labor Organization (ILO), International Organization for Migration (IOM) and UNODC are the list of few major bodies that have been engaged in exploring the severity of human trafficking globally and also in their respective home countries as well as taking due remedial strategies to obstruct such crimes (Costa, 2008). According to Rahman (2011), ILO estimated that around 2.5 million labors have been trafficked to be sexually exploited by 2011. The regions such as Asia, Latin America and Middle East among others, a substantial rise in human trafficking crimes were recorded. With respect to the global estimation, it has been found that around 12.3 million human beings are being trafficked and enslaved on an average every year around the world.  Ã‚  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

American Conflicts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

American Conflicts - Research Paper Example The Revolution was seen as a war of independence. There are several stages in a revolution. One stage is that â€Å"the various fibers are knit together† and you have to stretch some parts while loosening the other parts. There can several analogies of a revolution. But one thing is certain, there has to be changed. Revolution is changing, and the change can be in the system, in the method and the ways of ruling. The social consequences of a revolution are not the result of the wishes and plans of those who started the revolution but by the desires of those who are in control. The American Revolution was started by only a few compared to the population at that time. It was started by a numerical minority, â€Å"just like the Viet Cong†, although by the end of the revolution, the majority of the colonists may have supported the struggle against Great Britain. The war between the Patriots and Tories resembled like the Vietnam-Vietcong conflict. The Americans sought foreig n aid instead of foreign alliance. John Adams warned that alliances would entrap America in future European wars.   For instance, the French did not want a second American invasion of Canada, and the French did not want the new United States full control of the North American continent because they had the fishing rights in the Mississippi.Wars mar the history of a nation (Morris, 1969, p. 350). The Civil War in America’s history, which marked its 150th year in 2011, tested the American spirit.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Polo Activity in Wellington Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Polo Activity in Wellington - Assignment Example On the other hand, the National Horse Show brings in another $8.5 million which further highlights the importance of these three events not only in the tourism but also the real estate and other services industry in Wellington (Palm Beach County Club 1). The discussed origin of how Wellington becomes synonymous with polo shows that the economy has directly and indirectly invested in this revenue generating activities. Before the height of its popularity, initial investment has amounted more than just monetary but intensive and extensive marketing campaigns in order to promote these activities. Currently, these initial investments are being continued through the form of expenses in order to finance taking care of horses which are used for the race. Economic Research Associates estimates that Palm County Beach Equestrian residents are pouring in $121 million each year for the care of their 11,000 horses (Gasset and Gasset 5). With the vibrant outlook for the polo events in Wellington together with the expected increase in the GDP of the community, induced investments are also projected in the medium term. Among this is Mark Bellissimo's plan of the making the showground in Wellington part of a "multi-billion dollar 140 acre show facil ity with varied year round Equestrian events" (Gasset 3) adding that he wants to make this the "Center of The Equestrian Universe" (Gasset 3). The magnitude of how these investments in ensuring that these polo events will be as exciting, prestigious, and attractive to tourists and fans together with the revenue generated by the events can be measured by looking at these at an economic standpoint. It should be noted that the investments poured in as well as revenues generated are magnified when taken into account how these are used and passed on to the different economic players in the community. Economically speaking, the total amount of revenue and investment brought in Wellington by polo should be multiplied by Keynes' multiplier in order to really calculate how much wealth it created for the community (Brue and McConnel 225). In the case of Wellington, the huge number of fans which devote their time and money in watching the tournaments do not only shore in direct income but promoted the creation and development of vibrant service, real estate, and tourism industries which gives livelihood and revenue to Wellington. The role of investments in pump priming the economy can be illustrated by the plans of making the community an even more developed venue for polo events. For instance, when Mark Bellissimo finally puts into practice his plan of renovating the Wellington showground, we assume that this will be in an amount of $1 billion for simplicity. This amount of investment will be used to finance the sourcing of input, payment for labor, machinery, and other necessities. Thus, this $1 billion is passed on to these economic players in forms of payments, salaries, and wages. As a result, they will have a higher disposable income which they can spend for the purchase of goods and services. On the other hands, goods and other service providers will have higher revenue where they can use in order to produce more of their products. This process of wealth creation goes on and on. As an example, this paper will look at how investment creates

Human development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Human development - Essay Example As stated Metelev et al (2015), the focus of human development is on improving the lives of people rather than improving the economy and assuming that economic growth will automatically lead to wellbeing of the people. Human development is therefore an alternative approach that is based on social justice as an approach to determining human progress. Capabilities are central to understanding of the concept of human development. Capabilities refers to what people can do and what they can become hence are the equipment that individual has to pursue life. According to Burman (2012), access to knowledge, quality healthcare and quality standard of living are regarded as the basic capabilities that one need to be successful in life. Other capabilities that may influence individual’s wellbeing include; ability to participate in decisions that affects one’s life, freedom from violence, have fun and have control of person’s living environment. For instance providing high quality education for a girl would ensure he acquire the necessary skills to succeed in jobs, however, if that girl is denied job opportunity then her education will not be useful. Another scenario is when such girl is not provided with quality education that matches the labour market then her education will not be useful. Metelev et al (2015) outlin es three foundations for human development, access to resources and knowledge and: healthy, creative and long life. According to Bilbao-Ubillos (2013), the basic foundations mentioned above then open up other opportunities that creates favourable conditions for human development and includes: human rights and security, environmental sustainability, gender equality and participation in community and political life. Human development is also fundamental about choices because as opportunities increases, it creates various alternatives for people to choose from. According to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cone Health Organizational Chart and Structure Essay Example for Free

Cone Health Organizational Chart and Structure Essay The classical theory consists of organizational design that subdivides work and specifies tasks. The classical theory allows the different departments to run with efficiency by giving staff members different task to perform. The classical theory is composed of four elements: division and specialization of labor, chain of command, organizational structure, and span of command. Division and specialization of labor reduces the workload of the employee that will increase proficiency throughout the organization. The chain of command is authority, power, and responsibility delegated from high levels of authority to the lower levels. Organizational structures are how the departments are arranged and how command is maintained and how communication is achieved through a formal system. The span of control is how many employees a manager can effectively manage. (Sullivan, 2012).†¨ The structure of this organization provides for an environment for client centered care by offering services of acute care with different levels of care such as emergency services, med-surgical units, intermediate care unit, intensive care and labor and delivery. Each division is managed by a specific leader, such as the manager, who reports to the chief of nursing. The managers are more in contact with staff and have direct communication with staff members as well as patients in the hospital. This personal level of communication allows for managers effectively to communicate the importance of the mission of the hospital, which is to exceed expectations and provide quality health care to all at all times. With this mission in mind, it can lead to a close relationship with client care. The use of information systems is the way to communicate throughout the hospital to staff members. There are two charting systems used in the organization and an assignment board system in each department. The first one is Emergency Data Management, which is used in the emergency department, and the second is the Meditech, used in the other departments in the hospital. All information systems are visible to all nursing staff but cannot be edited interdepartmentally. Verbal communication method can be in the form of informing peers concerning the level of care already delivered to a patient and expecting others to follow through. We are expected to formally inform each other of what need to be done concerning our patient via the Emergency Data Management and Meditech. The GroupWise E-mail system is used by staff for internal communication and exchange purposes, and it can be accessed both in the hospital and at home via the internal intranet. Information from different departments comes to staff via e-mail, and all are encouraged to check their email daily. Staff members are also provided with a physical mailbox, with their names on it where everyone is provided with departmental information. Decision-making regarding policy change may be done by departmental basis, but must be approved by the chief nursing executive. For example, the standard of work was change in the triage process, but before management implemented the change, it had to be approved by the chief nurse executive, and he or she will decide based on the Nurse Practice Act. Restructuring of nurse leadership is currently in progress to allow nurses to have more input on leadership and its decision making pattern in organizations. The chief nurse executive reports to the regional vice-president of nursing, whereas all directors of each nursing department reports to the chief nurse executive. The organizational structure has its strength and weakness. One weakness that exists in this structure is the lack of communication between departments. Strength in this structure is that the chief-nursing executive is not left to make all decisions on his or her own because they have the help of managers and directors of the different departments. These informal structures of the organization is constantly at test as staff do frequently communicate with each other about what is expected in the plan of care to achieve an efficient client centered care. The charge nurse writing on the assignment board the activity of plan of care into the system as per each department to allocate patients to nurses and the staff nurse reports uses formal communication in the day-to-day operations of the organization the activity of plan of care into the system as per each department. For example there are formal meetings daily with the house supervisor, the managers, and leaders of the department to discuss bed availability in the hospital. Issues of power and control exist between the different floors and the emergency department. There is always competition for staffing resources, and if there is a float pool nurse on call, the charge nurses have to show who has a greater need for the float pool nurse leading to charge nurses to compete for the nurse.†¨ St. Luke’s Hospital is located in a lower middle-class neighborhood and caters to all ages. The hospital caters socially to the infants and pediatric patients. It has recently expanded the acute-stroke and short-stay unit also known as an observation unit. There are patients of different ethnicities while there are many patients who do not speak English; the use of the language phone has come into use quite often. The language phone removes language barriers between the patient and the health care provider and allows the patient to receive proper care. A lot of patients in the community have stated they come to our hospital because they have read in magazines that we are a great hospital.†¨ Generational differences that influence organizational culture are on the rise in the work environment. There are a great number of new younger nurses coming out of nursing schools, which means new ideas. The older nurses sometimes have problems accepting new nurses because they seem to want to change things. Some of the older nurses feel they are being pushed out of the nursing field by the new nurses and feel they are being forced to retire.†¨ In this paper there has been a discussion of organizational structure and functions, creation of client-centered care, information systems, power issues within the organization as well as decision making abilities. There have been discussions about social and cultural influences and how they integrate into delivery of care in the organization, and finally how generational differences influence organizational culture of the workplace as it shapes the future. It will be appropriate to expect more input into decision making culture via a developed formal and informal system to increase the input from the first responder group-the staff nurses and certified nursing assistants. References Sullivan, E. J. (2012). Effective leadership and management in nursing (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Case Study of Monopolistic Competition in India

Case Study of Monopolistic Competition in India Hindustan Unilever Limited being the leading company in the FMCG sector is the prime focus of our study. It is the largest share holder of the FMCG sector in the Indian market. It was founded in November 1956 and its based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The mission statement of HUL is, add vitality to life. In this report we have analyzed the life cycle of HUL, along with its strong presence in the market due to its highest shares in the FMCG market. Research in this report consist of analyzing the competitors with respect to HUL through reference book, internet research which gave a proper direction to our study. Our major finding includes that HUL has a strong market base which is spread strategically in all the market segments under soaps and detergents due to so many brands by HUL. Also we see there are a lot of emerging competition to the HULs soaps and detergent market share and how it has and will continue to tackle these competitions. Additionally we see the HUL firms life cycle, along with an understanding of a monopolistic market. Furthermore we see into one of the competitors downfall in the soaps and detergent market. In conclusion, this study shows HUL has a strong market share in the soaps and detergent sector.HUL in the light of all the competition, is constantly innovating new products so as to dominate the market. Unlike other companies, HUL has its base under all the segments, thus targeting a wide range of consumers. Abstract Hindustan Unilever Limited is the largest FMCG Company with market leadership in the Soaps Detergents Industry. The report focuses on the evolution of HUL as the market leader in light of the Life Cycle of a Firm and analyses how it managed to sustain its position with emerging new entrants in a monopolistic competitive market. Problem Statement Among several leading national and global brands, HUL is the largest company in the FMCG Sector and it is the market leader with 46% share in the soaps and detergents industry. The underlying factor for its success is the strong customer base. It : Provides wide range of products Continuously innovates to respond to the competitive pressures by providing value additions to its existing products Has established its target audience to every segment: premium, mid-priced and popular Introduction Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is Indias largest Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Company based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is a subsidiary of Unilever, a British-Dutch company which controls 52% shareholdings in HUL. Unilever is worlds largest supplier of fast moving consumer goods across 100 countries in the world. In Home Personal Care Products and Foods Beverages, HULs 35 power brands are spread across 20 different consumer categories such as detergents, shampoos,soaps, skin care, toothpastes, coffee, tea, ice creams etc. The company aims to create a better future every day as it provides for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care that help people feel good and look good. HUL touches the lives of two out of three Indians. These brands are manufactured over 40 factories and operations consist of 2000 suppliers and associates. It covers 6.3 million retail outlets reaching the entire urban population and 250 million rural consumers. HUL has over 16000 employees and an annual turnover of around Rs.21736 crores(as per financial year 2011-2012). Life Cycle of HUL Life Cycle can best be explained as the course of events that bring a new firm into existence and follows its growth into maturity to capture the mass consumers. The most common steps in the life cycle of a firm include the following phases: Introduction Development Maturity Growth Sales volume 1988 1930 1991 2000 Time Development Phase Firms in the development phase are likely to be characterized by small levels of sales and are more speculative in nature. The firms enter the market as they see a market opportunity. Unilever the parent company of HUL viewed the Indian market with tremendous potential. Thus, it launched Sunlight Soap in 1988. This gave rise to an era of marketing branded fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). It further introduced Lifebouy and other brands like Pears, Lux and Vim came into market in 1985. Vanaspati and Dalda were also launched in 1918 and 1937 respectively. Introduction Phase In 1930s the introduction of the firm as Hindustan Lever Limited came into existence with the merger of HindustanVanaspati Manufacturing Company, Lever Brothers India Limitedand United Traders Limited.It became the first foreign subsidiary company to do so. Today, the company has more than three lakh resident shareholder. Growth Phase In 1991, with the liberalization of the Indian economy,a drastic change in growth curve of HUL was witnessed as the company explored every single opportunity in the product segment,without any restriction in the production capacity. HUL and its largest competitor Tata Oil Mills Company (TOMOCO) merged together,and the acquisition took place in 1994.In 1996,a 50:50 joint venture was formed, with Lakme Limited to market cosmetics andwith US based company Kimberly-Clark Lever Ltd to marketHuggies Diapers and Kotex Sanitary Pads.HUL also set up a subsidiary as Unilever Nepal Limited (UNL). The UNL factory manufactured HULs products like Soaps, Detergents and Personal Products both for the domestic market and exports to India. The company witnessed crucial mergers, acquisitions and alliances after 1990s , on the Foods and Beverages front. Maturity Phase HUL entered the maturity stage in early 2000s. Since it reached upper bounds of its demands, it undertook various projects and initiatives to maintain its brand image. The increasing demand is not entirely affected by the advertising. For instance,HUL undertook Project Shakti in 2001,a rural initiative which targeted small villages. Presently, 45,000 Shakti entrepreneurs are working,which covers over 100,000 villages across 15 states and reaching to over 3 million homes. In 2002, HUL made its entry into Ayurvedic Health Beauty Centre category with the Ayush range and Ayush Therapy Centers. In 2003,it launched Hindustan Unilever Network, Direct to home business , launching Pureit water purifier in 2004. In 2007, the Company name was formally changed to Hindustan Unilever Limited. Brooke Bond and Surf Excel showed Rs.1000 crore as a sales mark followed by Wheel which crossed the Rs.2000 crore sales milestone in 2008. HUL has completedmore than 75 years of corporate existence in India. HUL-Monopolistic Competition Monopolistic competition is a market situationin which there are a large number of sellers and a large number of buyers for the products and services. The firms in a monopolistic competitive market are generally small in size. All firms provide similar products i.e. the products are close substitutes of each other. However they can be differentiated on the basis of color, packaging, features, and brand price and so on. The Indian FMCG Market is a perfect example of monopolistic competition. It is a highly crowded market with a large number of national and global players competing on margins. The stock turnover is high as FMCG products are frequently consumed and have a short shelf life. The main features of FMCG in light of monopolistic competition can be viewed as follows: Large Number of Sellers In a monopolistic competitive market, there is abundance of sellers producing differentiated products. The presence of large number of sellers is highlighted by the fact that the Indian Soap and Detergent market has 700 companies competing to sell their products. The major players across the globe are: ITC Limited, Procter Gamble and Hindustan Unilever Limited. Freedom of Entry and Exit There are low barriers to entry and exit of firms in monopolistic competition. If the profits are attractive, the firms can enter the industry. Increase in disposable income in hands of both rural and urban consumers, gave an opportunity to the rural consumers to shift from unbranded unorganized products to branded FMCG products. The increasing demands, leads new firms to enter the market. When the competition increases the existing firms are forced to reduce their price in order to meet the competition. Thus free entry and exit maintains normal profits in the market in the longer span of time. For instance, Nirma was launched in the detergent industry at a low price targeted to cater to the needs of middle-priced and popular segment. The success of Nirma forced HUL to launch an even lower priced product. Thus, Wheel and Rinwere introduced by HUL to maintain its market share. Selling Costs Due to product differentiation in monopolistic competition, firms are required to incur some additional costs such as advertising, sale promotions, salaries of marketing staff etc. to promote the product. The main aim is to inform, persuade and remind the buyers of the availability of the product. The strategy of aggressive advertising is adopted. HUL and Procter Gamble are two renowned companies for portrayal of advertisement war. Aggressive television commercials were shown targeting each others brand. Even in print the prices of detergents such as Tide and Rin were compared to influence the customers buying habits. It is highly believed that advertisements are factual and help buyers make an informed choice. Product Differentiation It is regarded as the most important feature of monopolistic competition. The products in monopoly are homogenous in nature whereas in monopolistic market it is heterogeneous in nature. The products are close substitutes; however every seller tries to differentiate his product from the competitors product. They maybe different in terms of colour, packaging, features, pricing, size and shape. For instance, Ariel, the detergent laundry line for PG, is available in a variety of forms. Ariel Colour is a detergent used mainly to protect colour of clothes, Ariel Stain remover is a stain pre-treatment product, ArielQuickwash is used to wash clothes in the quick wash cycle and so on. Therefore, Ariel has been able to expand its laundry line depending on the use of the detergent. By adding various features to the existing product, Ariel has been able to distinguish itself from the competitor. Absence of Interdependence The firms operate on the basis of their own marketing policies and production. No firm is influenced by the other firm. Since a large number of firms enter the market, the size of each firm varies. Thus, no firm is dependent on the other. Falling Demand Curve A firm in monopolistic competition, has a downward sloping demand curve. This is mainly because the sellers are the price makers i.e. they are influential enough to affect the price of the product. The demand curve is highly elastic as substitutes are available.This means one can sell more at low prices and vice-versa. Competitors analysis HUL has a large share of market in soaps and detergent segment, but it still faces a growing number of competitions from various Competitors in the market. In the detergent sector it faces competition from Procter and Gamble (PG), Henkel, RohitSurfactancts Pvt. Ltd. (RSPL) and Nirma (now out of the market). In the soap sector it faces competition from Godrej, PG, Wipro, ITC and Nirma (now out of the market). HUL faces just one competition in the health care sector of the soap industry and that is from Reckitt. Detergents Market Past HUL captured the Indian detergent market in the year 1957 and maintained its monopoly in terms of quality till 1980s with its product SURF. However by 1980s a company named Nirma Chemicals brought out a detergent Nirma which was priced much lower than HULs Surf with a very catchy advertisement on TV, claiming great quality at affordable rates. It soon became a very popular jingle, catching the imagination of the masses. By 1985 Nirma had replaced Surf from the number one position in the detergent market. HUL then changed their strategy and introduced cheaper detergents named Wheel and Rin, and managed to regain some of the lost ground in the detergent market. This shift ultimately resulted in HULs Wheel replacing Nirma from the top position of the detergent market in early 2000. But soon there emerged a threat from a product named Ghari which was launched by RSPL in 1987. Present In the current market scenario, Ghari holds the number one position at 17.3%, followed closely by Wheel which holds 16.9% of the market share. Nirma on the other hand had witnessed a huge downfall and it now just commands a market share of less than 6%. Tide launched by PG is now at the third position in the market after Ghari and Wheel, with a share of 13.5%. The Indian detergent market is broadly classified into four different segments namely:- Premium, examples- Ariel and Surf Mid-price, examples- Henko, Rin and Tide Popular, examples-Wheel, Ghari, Nirma and Mr. White Regional and small unorganized players Premium, Mid-price and Popular account for a market share of 15%, 40% and 45% respectively against each other. All the above three segments combined form 60% of the market share, while the rest 40% share is held by the regional and small unorganized players in the market. HUL is still a major player in the market with its Wheel, Rin and Surf in all three main segments, but RSPL is now the overall leader due to Ghari. Soaps Market The soap market in India is divided into various categories that is mens soaps, ladies soap and common soap. There is also a small share in the soap market which is held by specialty soaps like baby soaps, sandal soaps, glycerin soap etc. The market growth of the soap sector is estimated to be 7% p.a. and it is observed that rural market constitutes 60% of the soap sales. There are about 700 soap manufacturing companies in India. The Indian soap markets value is estimated to be around 60000 crores. In this huge market there are just a handful of key players who control the major chunk of the market share. These are HUL, Godrej, Wipro, PG, Nirma and ITC. HUL enjoys over 54.3% of the market share with its brands such as Lux, Lifebuoy, Rexona, Breeze, Pears, Haman and Dove. Godrej Consumer Product Ltd.(GCPL) comes in second position with 11% of the market share with its brands such as Cinthol, Fairglow, Nikhar and Allcare. GCPL is among the biggest manufacturer of toilet soaps and it launched Fairglow, which was the first fairness soap in India. Wipro with its brands such as Santoor and Chandrika has a strong base in the soap market sector. Procter Gamble (PG) and Nirma are the other competitios with a strong presence in the market share. ITC is a fairly new entry into the soap market with the launch of its brand named Vivel. According to AC Nielson a global marketing research firm, Vivel soaps have witnessed a growth rate of 70-80% within a short period of time. ITC is now the fastest growing company in soap the soap market. Case Study: Downfall of Nirma Detergent Powder The purpose of this case study is to highlight the factors that led to downfall of NirmaDetergent Powder. How ignorance of factors like consumer behavior, innovation, product differentiation immensely affect the existence of any firm in the cut-throat competitive market. Nirma detergent powder was launched in 1969 by Nirma Chemicals at a price far lower than the market leader-Surf. The aim of Nirma was to create a brand at affordable price. The strong popularity of Nirma among the cost conscious Indian consumer, gave rise to competition. No company is interested in losing its market share. Thus, recognizing the threat, HUL, the undisputed leader in FMCG, launched Wheel detergent to try and establish itself in the low end of the market. Nevertheless, it forced Nirma to exit the market. The main reason for this are highlighted as under: Lack of Innovation: With the increase in disposal income in the hands of the consumers, a shift was seen in the demand of products. The consumer desired aspirational products focused on viability and divisibility instead of economy brand products focused on affordability. Nirma suffered from the inability to innovate products to meet the new demands of the consumer. It failed to think beyond pricing. On the other hand, HUL was able to establish products in all segments; Popular:Wheel , Mid-Priced: Rin and Premium:Surf. Lack of Advertising: Nirma did not have a strong brand promotional strategy. It failed to capitalize on the trademark jingle i.e. failed to convert its recognition earned into sales. With the increase in competition, Nirma did not introduce new and improved advertisements. Even the visibility on TV channels reduced. Lack of Product Differentiation: On the one hand where the sales of HUL increased, there was evident decline in those of Nirma. Hul along the way changed its technology and added features to its existing products. Surf went from Surf to Super Surf to Surf Excel. Even though Nirma advanced to Nirma Blue, the differentiation was not visible. Lack of Price Increase:Nirma locked itself to the conventional low price plank. Overtime with the increase in prices of LAB ( linear alkyl benzene) and Palm Oil, both ingredients used for the making of detergents, Nirma did not increase the price of the detergent. Naturally the company faced complications in terms of revenue generation as the costs were higher than the profit derived from it. What Nirma could have done? Compete on Quality: A company like Nirma can easily increase sales by highlighting improved quality in its product. It could emphasize on the performance risks in the low priced segment and mention the cost advantages. Strategic Positioning: A company must position its product well. The target audience for Nirma was the low income group. It should aim at increasing sales in the rural markets by increasing availability in villages. Moreover it should tap the untouched cheaper and unorganized markets. Attractive Advertising: Advertising plays an important role in creating consumer awareness. The way HUL changed the packaging of Lifebouy from a masculine product to a family product (as shown below),Nirma should change the conventional image of a Nirma dancing girl to something more appealing. C:UsersDIVNEETDesktopold_lifebuoy_ad_mazhar khan.JPGC:UsersDIVNEETDesktopLifebuoy_soap.jpg Co-opt Contributors: A company can easily form strategic partnerships with dealers, suppliers and resellers by offering exclusive deals and offers. Grammage in Packaging: Many a times, companies reduce the quantity of the product and sell it at the same price. Reduction in quantity is generally unnoticed by the consumer. For example: Selling Half Kg detergent for Rs.7 instead of One Kg. SWOT analysis of HUL Soaps and Detergent Market Strengths Established target audience in various market segments Largest company in FMCG sector Top position in soap and detergent market share Wide range of products Continuously innovates Global presence Popular among the masses Weakness Few popular products appealing to the mass has been kept in premium pricing range, due to which people prefer cheaper products offered by the rival companies Opportunities As the masses are becoming more hygiene conscious, the sales expected to rise Rising demand of premium and mid-priced products in the rural areas Downfall of Nirma will help them to regain lost market shares Soap sectors growth is expected at 7% p.a Threats Rising competition from other emerging companies Losing top position in the market share of detergents to Rohit Surfactants Pvt. Ltd.(RSPL) ITCs sudden growth in the soap market Conclusion In this report, it can be easily observed that HULis a market leader in the FMCG industry in soaps detergents. Its evolution can be seen through various phases and currently operating in its Maturity phase. However, its evolution began in 1988 with launch of sunlight soap by Lever brothers and today we see a wide range of products starting with soaps and detergents, home personal care and food beverages. We see how continuous innovation and close study of consumer behavior has helped HUL exist in this competitive market as a leader in its field. Grabbing right opportunities at the right time and optimal utilization of available resources is the also one of the key critical success factors for any firm to be successful. HUL was able to capitalize on its products because of their approach towards target segmentation. HUL targeted the mass audience with products available in all income groups-low level, middle level high level.HUL have managed to balance margin pressures in the detergents segment, through product mix changes by good quality of a huge product and brand portfolio. Recommendation

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Managing and leading People

Managing and leading People INTRODUCTION Leader can simply be defined as; Leaders go first. They set an example and build commitment through simple, daily acts that create progress and momentum. Leaders model the way through personal example and dedicated execution JAMES KOUZES BARRY PONSER So, leader in any prospective define his/her first moment of truth that what is he/she doing and its a truth or not? Leadership is a natural phenomena and it by birth ability which will be define in the discussion paragraph. Leadership, especially, is very much about doing what is correct for the situation and the people involved in it. Causal such elasticity and separation of response, however, must be a steadiness of values and ground rules, if the leaders professional creditability is to remain the crucial source of authority. Creditability, in turn, in the role of a leader, goes beyond professional reliability and competence. In this assignment, our topic is to examine how the domains of wellbeing can become the cultural norm within an organization and the extent to which transformational leadership is the driver for the embedding of the domains of wellbeing. Therefore I need to consider issues associated with trust, emotional intelligence, the psychological contract, the emotional connection between leaders and employees. The main aspect of this question is how transformational leadership can facilitate and or drive emotional and psychological wellbeing which could in turn improve performance (through high performance working). Reviewed experiences, over many years, in various leadership roles and in a variety of very different pitches, definitely confirms that the interaction of nature and nature is the obvious core element in the development of personality and, as a result, leadership style. But it is also very much a matter of what we do with the hand of cards that we have been dealt and what we, as individuals, make of ourselves, by frequently learning from our experience and the resultant self-development and professional renewal, for which we are each personally and ultimately accountable. We frequently came across in fact ordinary managers doing pretty extraordinary things as leaders and producing outstanding results with their teams, but we also repeatedly saw so many instances of where acceptable performance could quite easily have been raised to outstanding levels, but for the want of intelligent, daring and fully occupied close-quarter leadership. The aim of this assignment is to focus on the capability bunches that our work suggests are crucial in the world of business and to offer ways in which such understanding and do-how might be further developed. The competencies, critical though they are, need to be exercised for most favourable impact with in an organization, as the outcomes of a shared leadership attitude, determined by at least five fundamental activities. 1. Personal steadiness, discipline and truthfulness 2. Narrow-mindedness of patchiness 3. A concern to build mutual trust 4. Focussed passion for the business 5. appreciation of the critical importance of emotional brainpower, in leadership. (Michael Williams (2005) leadership for leaders) So, we will clearly discus about transformational leadership and some relations which are between leader and employee, discuss in detail below and what strengths must be in a leader due to which he can easily promote his work and above Michael explained about fundamental which we will discuss in depth as well. THE ROLE OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN THE EMBEDDING OF EMPLOYEE WELLBEING AS A CORE VALUE WITH IN AN ORGANIZATION There are three different types of talents in which we can categories different diversities and hundred of peoples roles which can be identify in these categories; Striving Talent: In this type we can reflect an individuals talent of motivation, and constrain, including among others. We can say that in this strength a need creates in human to get, to win, to outshine, or to be busy in to provide services to others. Thinking Talent: This second category of talent in which we see that how people think or how they appraise the options open for another peoples! Or how that type of people create verdicts and either their thinking is prearranged and regimented for the people, or weather this type talent people prefer the pleasure of making up their mind till the last moment! This type of talented people called thinking talent leader. Relating Talent: this type of category includes understanding, the ability to commence and assemble relationships, high own and interpersonal consciousness and the ability to inspire and manipulate others. These cluster of talents shows an individual personally reflect and they are very much close to their high level of talent. And this type of individuals seeks for the management because these abilities can make a profitable organization under the exclusive work of employees. And many types of category in which these type of individual can survive or grow like; in a technical or functional field, general management field, autonomy or independence field, security or stability field, entrepreneurial or creative field, service or dedication to a cause, purely challenged field, lifestyle accomplishment etc. These are the major fields in which these types of individuals can grow more efficiently then other fields. Talent or Talented people can be define in these ways, Continuously demonstrate outstanding ability he achieve goals out of his range or with in his ground in which he is expert / experienced. In priority a leader has its a way by his physical actions and this ability is the main strength should be in his/her personality and looks noble because generally we sketch the personality through appearance and physical body activity which a leader shows first look and create the personality in mind. And this characteristic counts Introspection Again and again show high skill in those strongly transferable areas where they are on testing to show or perform or prove their self to be highly motivated or potential. Managerial perception most likely begins with the recognition that there is no one right style of leading and managing. But the new standard manager is mostly acting in the role of transformational leader. But according to the center of creative leadership that those companies which use up capital for the development of the leaders actually they wants to improve their bottom-lined financial performances, magnetize and retain their talent, constrain a performance culture and want to increase their organizational agility. Todays market is competitive and volatile. To be successful, our business needs to be dynamic and ahead of our competitors. In order to accomplish this we need strong leaders within every business unit driving innovation and efficiency. Having leaders with focus, motivation, and the ability to drive change throughout our workplace will allow us to accomplish our goals. -Molly McKenna, director, GSI education training, Thomson Reuters. Explanation of the above mention article is; in this era the market is very much broad in a sense that there are many types of same professionals are available in the market but to make a successful business we should invest on that leader or manager which has an extra capabilities which understand the market scenario and has a capability to make more profitable business through the skills which we have discussed before in this assignment and make their employees more potential with the understanding with trust, the emotional pact, poignant understanding, etc. Leaders have got to have the teamwork of their followers. That type of leaders which use force, fear and manipulate or underestimate to others they basically not a leader and they can never do a smart work and cant grow the business. I will give you the example of a good leader like US President Barrack Obama could not have been elected if the voters do not share his belief in the necessity of change in American politics. So, I realize that he is a good example that how to treat others and like that for good leader that how to treat or understand his employees. Another example from the history; that Abraham Lincoln could not have pursued the civil war if enough followers did not share his goals of preserving the union and ending slavery. So, I think that leadership is nothing more than motivating his employers. It means that leaders must have the skill but first he should understand employees mentality that at what stage you have to choose to deliver your concept or theory. He is I think like a teacher which teaches his student but before teaching first he understand that what the students caliber and how I have to deliver my lecture or how I have to maintain. Something should be come naturally in leaders personality like a pleasant attitude with his/her clients this is a major thing which attracts the customers or followers or employees. And another popular training or teaching methods for leader should be; Apprenticeships Famous speakers Formal education How to manuals Internet guides Job shadowing Off-side conferences On-site workshops Seminars Dont try to teach too many new procedures at once. Training should be an ongoing process. You probably didnt learn your job in a day. Make sure you show patience and a willingness to answer questions. Be realistic in your expectations. (Ferguson-third edition in Career skills library-LEADERSHIP SKILLS) All the above mentioned aspects make through only through the culture which is a very important part because business ideas or perceptions comes and go but only one concept which always seems to have come to stay and that is only Culture and organizational culture which makes or develop by the leader and in many of the companies generates by their CEOs and the fundamental issue is how to preserve and cultivate and make sure the well-being and success of the team. But some indicators which can make a possible grow in the field or in organization which creates a good culture like; Professionalism Seriousness Values Respect Pride Self regulation (Cranwell-ward, bacon, Mackie (2002) Inspiring Leadership) So, these tactics creates good environment in the organization. 1st tactic is the most important because all circumstances (well dressed, appereance,attribute,companys prospectives or rules and regulations) are a part but leader have to keep up in his/her mind and the second tactic, which must be regarding to your target or goal which you have to perform in any circumstance or in any crucial environment and third one tactic relates to your personal perception which you have to categorized accordingly in a part of your mind which standards or principles should be appropriate, fourth tactic is about high opinion, admiration and about the best opinion which leader should always be in a mind and always before start of any task job or goal and the fifth tactic means to maintain your and your co-workers self-importance. Give work Satisfaction with delight and pleasure because satisfaction is the most important part and the last tactic of leaders for creating a good culture is to up to date your personal rules, directives and use the leaderships parameter at any task or target. A leader has an ability to coach of those who work with him/her. He/she will find that they will work better and will respond you as compare to before coaching. As in the honorable world, coaching is a good way for helping people to improve their talent and achieve their goal with full potential. Successful coaching by leader gives many more benefits, its not the financial result which you invested in your training or coaching but also the productivity increases after this coaching, and ability of consideration decisions rises and as well the motivation or inspiration be increase. And when leader time to time give training or coach to his/her employees, leader be aware of his/her employees nature and it makes easy to communicate more sincerely and more easily. You will get more efficient feedback and proactive listening skill and clear-cut language all contribute to coachees stock of relationship construction tools which, when focused on the business, can increase inspiration to create and improvement and add genuine bottom line value. (A C Black. London (2008) Lead Others Effectively-steps to success) In all over the world any coaching dialogue, leaders will always need to show admirable listening expertise. As mentioned above that through the active listening you can easily understand your employees and you can target and make your more profitable business through the employees understanding, can create your blind trust, touching intelligence, well the major part is the emotional agreement, as well you create diversification (means; Many types of culture compile in one culture through the brilliant understanding and make a relax able environment for all) and make or shape them in one group or team and then you can masterly convey your massage or to coach them and can do straight talk in a reliable and consistent pattern and can get a maximum profit and increase revenue it day by day. It has been realized through efficient decision making inventive problem solving from a leader that decision making Leadership is purely a core managerial and leadership responsibility. Developing decision is basically to abstract a way of action through his compass of the boundary and to make alternative decision options. The decision makes only one time with the help of required commit resources for the change to add some new. Central to decision-making is the element of choice among alternative course of actions. A decision is therefore a chosen course of action from alternatives (Harrison 1996) Means, a leader should has the capability to perform different types of or many another more choices of performing to do a work or task which through decision given so the decision maker always take that decision which can give you many ways to resolve or to act upon it. So, the course of action should be prominent and understandable and it makes the way if take loss then what will be! Because the market value can be change at any time so, the main objective which have on front side that is cultural value that in which environment and what are the circumstances and how to maintain and grow in the given portfolio and another capabilities add which we have already discussed above then take the decision because these would not only be words but also a complete task or compiled track which has to be used in the many course of actions. A Leader can do a best leadership when mentally and physically leader will be relaxed and will maintain or balance his life. On discussed topic, Angus I. McLeod wrote in his book self-coaching leadership that; When we consider life-balance it is helpful to set up some areas for introspection. Here is a typical list; Friends Rest and holidays Eating out Physical activity Health Wealth Appearance Hobbies Kids Family life Partnership Personal growth Faith activities Contribution to others Environment of home (Angus I. McLeod (2007) Self-Coaching Leadership) So, according to McLeod theory a best transformational leader should follow these instructions in life balancing which are very important and plays a positive role in the life. It shines your strengths gently and makes your leadership activity more attractive. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Leadership is not a situation or a position in an organization but it is a sense of responsibility, the planning and homework are the essence of a good management and the most important due to which you can inspire and make a space in their hearts or lead the peoples is nothing except Respect. If you are not personally attached to your own self so you can not teach or coach others which would be a harmful and worse for you. So, your internal abilities like your skills and expertise makes you the right if you have for the designated role and control your emotions and feelings but understand and utilize them in that way that others inspire from you and give you better response which you wants then they will give you a better response and grow the business which you wants from them. This is called a leadership skill or Style to which you built your good skilled team and develop them and this developing creates team and action called Team Development. You motivate your team and shine their strengths on individual but in a team and make them in passion over a longer life frame. But the leader must to know the balancing of his life and their followers life so that they do work without stress and makes a healthy environment without any conflict between followers and the leader. In this time this is not a practice how you have to perform the task but also the time ask that how quickly has to resolve the matter so the above discussed leadership qualities and their attributes are the most important and the basic thing in all the criteria culture whether in or out side the organization. Anthropologists kluckhohn and Kelly (1945, p.97) have defined Culture as all the historically created designs for living, explicit and implicit, rational, irrational, and non rational, which exist at any given time as potential guides for the behaviour of men. Culture is the man-made part of the environment. And there are so many different concepts about culture from different researchers and philosophers. Culture actually makes from the incorporated model from human knowledge, their behaviors and faith and it only consists of verbal communication, and faith. Encyclopedia Britannica, fifteenth edition, 1991, Culture consists of language, ideas, beliefs, customs, taboos, codes, institutions, tools, techniques, work of art, rituals, ceremonies, and other related components. Bjorn Bjerke (1999) Business Leadership and Culture So, culture has been defined in many ways. But its much important and play marvelous role in transformational leadership. Culture is an organism of communal symbols and meanings. In short: a good leader is a best transformational leader which can understand employees nature / psychological wellbeing and all the circumstances through his all capabilities and make them a good source for the improving of working. REFERENCES Peter Honey (1999) Improve your people skills-second Edition Alan Hooper John Potter (2001) Intelligent Leadership-creating a person for change Michael Williams (2005) leadership for leaders THOROGOOD Bjorn Bjerke (1999) business leadership and culture Ferguson (2009) Career Skills Library-LEADERSHIP SKILLS-third edition John Adair (2003) The Inspirational Leader Angus McLeod (2007) Coaching Leadership Gillian Watson and Stephanie c.reissner(2010) Developing Skills For Business Leadership A C Black. London(2008)Lead others Effectively-steps to success Cranwell-Ward, Bacon, Mackie (2002) Inspiring Leadership-staying afloat in turbulent times

Monday, August 19, 2019

Euthanasia Essay - Assisted Suicide is for Everyone :: Euthanasia Physician Assisted Suicide

Assisted Suicide is for Everyone Should Doctors assist their patient's death? The doctors' obligation is to provide every possible support during the process of dying. Do doctors have the right to hasten the process, when requested to do so? There has been a great deal of discussion over this topic for the past few years. For many years now, assisted suicide has been a debated topic of who believes in it and who does not. The Christian faith disagrees in the act of assisted suicide. "This religion teaches redemptive suffering. God sends suffering as a means of washing away people's sins and saving their souls. It is believed that people can be blessed if they endure their misery." Islam has a similar belief of the Christian faith. They believe assisted suicide is an account of murder. In some countries, the patient who committed suicide, and the physician, or doctor that assisted the patient, should both go to hell. "We don't own ourselves, we are entrusted to God and the taking of life is the right of the one who give it." There are also many cultures that believe in this act of dying. Certain cultures believe that they have the right to end a person's life, only if the person is suffering with an illness that will only get worse. "In China and some parts of India, it is an ancient custom to drown newborn girls if they think they will live a useless life." The Dutch believe in the act of assisted suicide as many other religions. They believe that it is easier to end a life so the family and the other people will not have to go through all the suffering and pain. Many Physicians today believe that assisted suicide is the answer to end all the pain and suffering in the world. Dr. Peter Admirral is a physician that is known for ending more than one hundred lives in less than thirty years. "The emotion is what you prescribed or what you have injected will cause the patient to die. Its so opposite to normal feelings of a doctor that you have to go through a period of resisting this.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

the simpsons :: essays research papers fc

When Matt Groening and James L. Brooks created The Simpsons, a cartoon, family, they had no idea that it would become as big as it has now. There are many reasons the show has become very popular with the American public. Dumb and simple humor makes in enjoyable for people on all levels, and for the more sophisticated audience, there is some political satire in the show. It all started 1987, when Groening and Brooks created short cartoons for the Tracey Ullman show. If you were to compare these shorts to today’s show, there is a major difference in the quality of the show and the plots. This is due to better technology, more money, and a change in the things that can be said on television. (Groening) The show features five main characters. As stated by the show’s title, they are the Simpson family. The father, Homer, has had a very eventful life. Even though he is not very smart, he has led a life that is envied by many in Springfield. His job is the Nuclear Safety Inspector at the Springfield Power Plant. He has met presidents Gerry Ford, George Bush, and Bill Clinton, been an astronaut, and met bands such as the Who, the Smashing Pumpkins, U2, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and REM, been a professional baseball mascot and numerous other jobs. His wife Marge has not led as an exciting life as Homer. She spends most of her time taking care of their three children, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie, and playing second fiddle in many of Homer’s adventures. Bart has become a 1990’s version of Dennis the Menace. He carries a slingshot in his back pocket and likes to cause havoc for his teachers and his father. Lisa is the brightest of the children. She has straight A’s i n the second grade, plays first chair saxophone, but is more like her mother, not getting involved in many adventures. Maggie is the baby and is mostly there to complete the family. (Holtz) The first full length episode was on December 17, 1989. This was the Christmas special entitled â€Å"Simpsons’ Roasting on an Open Fire.† The plot of this episode is that Bart gets a tattoo and Marge has to spend the family’s Christmas money getting it removed. She planned on having Homer’s Christmas bonus to buy presents with but he finds out that bonuses won’t be given out that year.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Chanda’s Secret- Stigma

Sang 1 Sang To Meeraal Shafaat Interpreting Texts 20th December 2012 Final draft AIDS- The stigma of life Since the invention of medicine, never have human beings needed to face as a big challenge as the present: The AIDS epidemic! When people have HIV virus and it continues to develop seriously, the HIV virus badly damages their bodies’ immune systems, which leads them to the risk for opportunistic infections, meaning they easily get sickness without any protection. In this period, their disease will turn into AIDS, which has taken countless lives of people and left the pain for many families in society.Surrounding this incurable disease, there are plenty of intractable problems. Especially the perceptions about AIDS of community and even the patients are not enough to rescue the patient from improper judgments of society. To bear resentment against society for having boycotted the patients, Allan Stratton wrote Chanda’s Secrets. Through this novel, he shows us the rea l lives of AIDS patients, the loss, the loneliness and their tragic fates while facing death in the contemporary society. Not only Africa but also all over the world there is a lot of prejudice and misunderstanding in society about AIDS and the people who get this disease.AIDS is the most horrible disease that everyone fears whether they suffer from it or not. Despite the reason leading to their diseases, they are shunned and despised by community. As Stratton describes Jonah, â€Å"Jonah liked to party† and after Sara was born â€Å"he just stayed at the shebeen getting drunk on shake-shake. † (21) At that time, he usually goes out with Mary and probably that is the reason Sang 2 why he gets AIDS. Until the disease is evidently shown on his body, â€Å"He’s a skeleton. The flesh has been sucked out from under his skin.The skin’s dried so tight to his skull that the bridge of his nose has ripped through. † (106) he is outcast and his sister- Ruth i s the first one to detect his symptoms of disease. She left him because she has to protect herself and her family from being infected. Everyone keeps at a distance from him. He is immediately kicked out of that society and seen as a disgusting creature. This time, he really needs someone to stay with him and protect him from being alienated and folks’ disdain. Occasionally, he sees Mary, the one he used to be close with when he was healthy, in the crowd.He is so happy and he believes that only she can save him this moment- when everyone stays away from him, looks him as an alien, a monster. However, life is not as expected, â€Å"Mary tries to keep behind the Sibandas, but they grab her by the elbows and push her into the front. † (107) Mary is also really scared of his illness so that she pretend not to know him; she callously abandons his honor to protect her identity and prevents from being implicated. Jonah just likes other AIDS patients are seen as a tumor of soci ety that must be eliminated or at least they are isolated from the community.Despite being tired of the disease attacking their health every day, infected persons have to overcome it in loneliness and unhappiness. Infected persons may be rejected even from the people closest to them. They may lose their jobs, their homes or important relationships as a result of people’s negative attitudes about AIDS. Because of the stigma attached to AIDS, people may find it difficult to tell others about their disease. Stratton shows Jonah’s emotions when he asks Mary for help; Mary warns him not to come towards her â€Å"But Jonah does not listen.He staggers forward,† (108) because he really wants someone cares about him. Until Mary throws the stones through Jonah’s face, he puts off catching her. During this time, he is in shock and panic; he cannot believe his sight because the last one he could trust is also leaving him. His Sang 3 desire to escape from this hell is broken. How poor he is now when seeing people turning away without mercy, perhaps he feels mortified and solitary, this place is a proper hell for Jonah and other infected persons.Instead of encouraging AIDS patients, people disdain, avoid meeting them and put contempt into them. These patients not only have to fight against the disease that is taking their lives day by day, but they also have to fight back the community’s prejudices of their unwanted diseases. Victims of AIDS have to face the death without anyone standing by such as Jonah after being abandoned, he just receives an excuse from Mary, â€Å"Sorry, old friend. † (108) Actually, no one can understand the death in the coldness, loneliness, and shame they are suffering.Because of having a disease that people fear and see them as stigmas that need to be prevented from their lives, they are shunned by relatives and all people around them. They feel empty. They are humiliated. There is only a world that is ind icative of their own to cope with illness; they crave the voice, laughter and someone’s care more than ever, but it is just their dreams. The patients know that living with a serious, stigmatized and potentially life-threatening illness can be extremely stressful and difficult, they also scare that society will alienate their family.To avoid the bad reputation of the family being involved infected patients, whether voluntary or forced, most of them have to leave their family. Jonah’s death is probably caused by his pessimistic thoughts about life, no one even look at him and his life means nothing. As a result, not until the disease kills him, his survival ends in the bottom of an abandoned well. In contrast, Chanda’s mother does not die in loneliness but at first, she chooses to leave her children because she wants to protect them. She is smart enough to realize her illness â€Å"Mama’s headaches. Her weariness. Her joints.The way she’s gotten so thin. † (109) so that she pretends to believe in superior that her house has devil and she has to come back Tiro to solve it. Her Sang 4 intention is to die in Tiro and will not come back. The folks will not know about her death and that is the last thing she can do to avoid damaging her children’s lives because of her. She does not want her children live the rest of life with scary and hiding. She makes her children believe that she stays in Tiro or if they know she dies by hearing anyone says, they will not be hurt as much as directly seeing their mother dies.It is true that not every infected person is bad; there are those who have their own problems need to be solved but the reality does not allow them. Hence, the patients’ families will be underestimated. However, the most pitiful victims are still the children. The children may be infected or not, but if they instantly have any of their relatives gets AIDS, they have to endure the fierce wave of public opi nion. The early deep hurt and the loss in life makes children have no fun and opportunities in studying. AIDS brings bad reputations, and then it breaks up many families by carrying away the patients’ lives.As a result, these shocks cause a huge impact on the change of children, which leads to their mental problems or their lives. Stratton also mentions Esther’s parents die because of AIDS. Then no one can take care all of her siblings, they are separated to other relatives’ home (75, 76). Due to being sad and miss her siblings, Esther says â€Å"Well, things are going to change. I have a plan. This time next year we’ll all be together. † (80) This is also the turning point of her life, the way she chooses to earn money in order to bring her siblings back, make her become infected.It can be said that the environment also has an impact on children’s growing up; they easily step into the path of sin. That is why Chanda’s mother decides to sacrifice herself dying in the dark instead of making her children’s lives become dark. Only Jonah is enough, she does not want her children sustain the bad reputation anymore. Stigma and discrimination will kill AIDS patients before the disease kills them. In such a rigorous society, patients are more likely prone in complex, lose their faith and live without Sang 5 responsibility for community.By verbal gestures, people’s contempt can severely affect the psychology of patients and their families. The folks deprive the right to live and social integration of the patients. AIDS takes happiness away, breaks up many hearts. Why don’t people help infected persons get through adversity? If they continue to discriminate with AIDS patients, it will be hard to decrease the number of infected persons. Through Chanda’s Secrets, Stratton wants to show the hardships, consequences and implications of AIDS, which can be decreased or increased, still bases on the to tal awareness.

Explain the Potential Effects of Five Different Life Factors on the Development of an Individual Essay

In this assignment i am going to be taking about life factors that would effect a child, these factors include; genetic factors, biological influences before birth, enviromental influences, social- economic factors and lifestyle. The first is Genetic factors these are factors that would be inherrited by the child from the mother and father. There are a lot of different illnesses/ diseases that can be inherited from the parents such as; cystic fibrosis, coeliac disease, asthma, brittle bone disease and a lot more. These are passed to the child through their genes. If one of these illnesses are passed on to the child like brittle bone disease then this will effect the child in a negative way because they might not be able to do things properly when they are older, like sports and exersize. It would limit their oppertunities and stop them from doing things that they would later want to do. This is because if they have brittle bone disease then the persons bones would be really weak and could easily break, the bones were developed with a less amount of protein called collagen. The second is Biological influences before birth, this includes the thing that the mother of the child does while she is pregrant that would effect their babyies before being born, could be if the mother decides to smoke, take drugs, have a bad diet or drink large amounts of alcohol at one time. For example if the mother drinks durning pregrancy then this would have a negative effect on the babys development and could cause it to have foetal alcohol syndrome. A child born with foetal alcohol syndrome can be smaller, they could also have learning disabilities and heart defects. The third is Enviromental influences is the enviroment that the mother and child are living in and have been brought up in. Pollution can make people very ill, it can cause lack of brain development in small children. It can also cause people to have life threatening diseases such as cholera. The next factor is socio-economic factors this is to do with the income of your house hold . This factor can have a major effect on a persons quality of life. The main sources of income are wages from employment, benefits from the goverment, interest from bank accounts, the amount of money coming in to the house hold will be different depending on these factors. The main groups of people that live on very little money are older people,disabled people, lone-parent families and the unemployed. For example f the main earner in the family is disabled then they wont be able to work. This wil effect the wages from employment so the family will have a lower overall income. The last factor that i am going to be talking about is lifestyle. This includes how healthy and active an individual person is, a lifestyle is something that you choose, your choices and you influences. The use and mis use of substances, such as alcohol, drugs and smoking. If you mis use these substances then this can drastically changes your lifestyle and also the people around you.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Proverbs in Things Fall Apart

Proverbs are wise sayings that address the heart of the discourse in any given context, truthfully and objectively. In Africa and in Nigerian cultures especially, they are considered the reliable horses, which convey meanings to their destinations or hearts of the listeners. This study investigates aspects of the meaning of proverbs in the work of a Nigerian author, Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. It is contended that meanings of Nigerian proverbs can be worked out within the semantic, referential, ideational, stimulus-response, realist and contextual theories. Types of meaning and proverbs are addressed and situated within the two works. It is advanced that proverbs play significant roles in clarifying, exemplifying, underscoring and influencing communication . With the broadly analyzed proverbs, the study attempts to further demonstrate the vitality of semantics and pragmatics in negotiating meaning especially in a second language context. Proverbs are common features of conversational eloquence in many African cultures, especially in Nigeria. Such â€Å"wise sayings† are usually acquired and learnt from listening to the elders’ talk. Given the vintage position that the elders occupy in various African traditions as the human repository of communal or primordial wisdom, they are the masters of eloquence, rhetoric and meaning. They are the ones who know how to impregnate short expressions with vast meanings, implicating the proverb, â€Å"it is the elder’s mouth that determines a ripe kola nut†. Several definitions of the term â€Å"proverb† abound in literature. The central idea in the definitions is that a proverb is â€Å"an adage, saying, maxim, precept, saw or any synonym of such that expresses conventional truth†. From Things Fall Apart The sun will shine on those who stand before it shines on those who kneel under them p. 6 Theory: Referential Type: Denotative/Connotative Analysis: The proverb makes reference to a cosmic body, the sun, with a view to evoking its sense – that those who strive and work (by remaining standing) will benefit from the fruit of their work before those who depend on them (by kneeling or deriving succor from them). While the inference of discouraging dependency can be made, the message is mainly that those who do not face the challenges of life and work assiduously defying sunshine should satisfy themselves with the crumbs that fall from the table of the hardworking ones. The proverb discourages laziness and implies the need for everyone to be hard-working. If a child washed his hands, he could eat with kings. p. 6 Theory: Realist Types: Denotative, thematic Analysis: The proverb portrays the honor and dignity attributed to cleanliness and responsibility. It thematizes hands washing, a good character training and hygienic way of eating as a sine qua non to honor. We infer that if a person does the right thing at the right time, as the proverb entails good fortune, honor, reverence, esteem and credit will be his, just like eating together with kings. The pragmatic understanding of how really high the Nigerians rate their traditional rulers provides a further clue to the semantic import of the proverb. 3 When the moon is shining, the cripple becomes hungry for a walk. p. 9. Theory: Referential Types: Collocative, Stylistic Analysis: Reference is made to another cosmic body, the moon, in this proverb, as â€Å"shining† collocates with â€Å"the moon† and â€Å"cripple† collocates metaphorically with â€Å"walk†. The sense of the proverb lies in the cause-effect theory that if motivation is given, action arises. In essence, night is conventionally taken as a period of rest but in a situation where there is moon-light, not only the able-bodied feels the need to walk or work in the night but even the cripple does. Night is implied and not stated for stylistic purposes while â€Å"hungry†, a marked word that ordinarily does not apply to â€Å"walk†, is also used for stylistic effect. The underlining message is that a good cause or motivation occasions a good effect or line of action. 4 A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness p. 14. Theory: Stimulus-Response Types: Denotative, Affective. Analysis: There is a tact advice almost coinciding with the English proverb, â€Å"one good turn deserves another† here. If a person accords honor or reverence to the successful ones, it is likely that he is also going to be successful. In other words, the sense of the proverb is that a person who helps another man helps himself indirectly as he gets familiar with what that man engages in – and this will ultimately lead him also to greatness, directly or indirectly. 5 A toad does not run in the daytime for nothing. 15 Theory: Ideational Types: Denotative/Stylistic Analysis: The proverb tasks our mental conception or general knowledge of the toad as a nocturnal animal. If such an animal therefore does â€Å"run† (a lexical item preferred by the author for metaphorical or stylistic effect, against the normal collocative word, â€Å"jump†) in the day, there must be something amiss. The sense of the proverb is that there is a cause for anything strange that happens; there must be a reason, at least â€Å"no smoke without fire†. A toad running in daytime is probably pursuing something or certainly something is pursuing it. It has to do with the â€Å"cause-effect† relationship. An old woman is always uneasy when dry bones are mentioned in a proverb. p. 15 Theory: Stimulus – Response Types: Denotative/Thematic Analysis: This proverb also exhibits â€Å"causes-effect† relationship as it thematises the old woman. It means that people who have negative features feel disturbed when such features are being highlighted. There is the effect or response of uneasiness with reference to the dry bones because an old woman whose dry bones are signs of impending death is always scared of death. The sense of the proverb, essentially, is that conscience worries people of negative attributes even when they are not addressed but their excesses (so to say) are being condemned. The lizard that jumped from the high Iroko tree to the ground said he would praise himself if no one else did. p. 16. Theory: Referential Types: Denotative/Connotative Analysis: The proverb elicits the self-contentment and joy of good work. A good work, we can infer, is itself commendable whether people appreciate it or not. Reference is made to the lizard which nods after any activity it engages in, implicating its self-praise. The animal is personified for poetic effect. The English equivalent of â€Å"if you don’t blow your trumpet, nobody will blow it for you† may further illustrate the sense of the proverb – that if you do not appreciate your worth and dignify yourself, people may not bother to do it for you. Eneke the bird says since men have learnt to shoot without missing, he has learnt to fly without perching. . 16. Theory: Referential Types: Denotative/Connotative Analysis: Like the previous proverb, this proverb derives its message from folklore, in which human attributes are given to animals/non-human creatures. The meaning is both literal and figurative as well as multi-dimensional in scope. Changing situations give birth to innovations. If students, for example, develop novel means of cheating in the examinations, referentially, the authorities also devise ipso facto, new strategies of apprehending or detecting the cheats. When a man says yes, his Chi says yes also. p. 9 Theory: Ideational Types: Denotative/Connotative. Analysis: The proverb aptly sums up the essence of determination and strong will, within one’s psychological context. Reference to chi, a person’s personal god in Igbo culture, is of connotative import. The message interpreted is that man must always take decisive decisions for himself and resolve to do whatever he tasks himself to do for that will always be the will of his supposed â€Å"god†. A possible English equivalent is that â€Å"heavens help those who help themselves†, and as such, man should always be responsible for all his actions. A chick that will grow into a cock can be spotted the very day it hatches. p. 46 Theory: Realist Types: Denotative/Connotative. Analysis: The proverb explores the logical sequence of things/ phenomena: that a general analysis can be made from specific traits. In the real world, from the initial stage, from countenance and appearance, one is able to identify the good, the bad and the ugly. The reference to the chick in our psyche is illustrative: the chick that will not live long will probably look frail and sickly, right from the day it is hatched. Our actions, at particular times, are indices of our character, the proverb tells us. A child’s finger is not scalded by a piece of hot yam which its mother puts into its palm. p. 47 Theory: Contextual Types: Denotive/Collocative Analysis: Given the contextual/pragmatic knowledge of a mother’s love for her child especially in the Nigerian cultures, it is implied that whatever she does, even if such superficially appears harmful, will be of benefit to the child. This is because it is presupposed that nobody loves a child better than his/her mother. Thus, the sense of the proverb, which for effect parades â€Å"child/mother†, â€Å"finger/palm†, â€Å"a piece of hot yam† etc collocates, is that love bears no harm. If there is love, there is no need for reservation in taking a beloved’s piece of advice, whether one considers it good or not, because a beloved person will not recommend a harmful antidote for whom he loves. 12 If one finger brought oil, it soiled the others. p. 87. Theory: Ideational Types: Denotative/Connotative/Stylistic Analysis: The proverb underlines the concept of collective responsibility: what one does implicates the involvement of the others. With tact reference to our knowledge or ideas of the world, if a finger is dipped into the oil, other fingers get smeared alongside since they are together. In other words, a shameful act by a person brings shame, odium and opprobrium to him and by extension, to his family and community. Stylistic considerations impinge on the choice of â€Å"brought† and â€Å"soiled† from the existing alternatives – which could further communicate the same idea. A child cannot pay for its mother’s milk. p. 117 Theory: Realist Types: Connotative/Collocative. Analysis: This proverb anchors an axiomatic fact: certain things are unquantifiable or priceless. No matter how much the child gives the mother later in life, such is not worth her milk, given the child at infancy. By extension, kindness, love (and such virtues) cannot be fully reciprocated, as they are inestimably valuable. Collocates like â€Å"child, mother, milk† enhance the sense of the meaning. An animal rubs its aching flank against a tree, a man asks his kinsman to scratch him p. 17. Theory: Realist/Stimulus-Response Types: Connotative/Stylistic. Analysis: By drawing our attention to the real world of human-animal behavioral patterns, the proverb draws a line between a human being and an animal. The proverb is suggestive of the social nature of man, and the fact that â€Å"no man is an Island†. The proverb suggests that it is love that distinguishes men from a nimals. People who do not seek their fellow human beings’ help when in danger or difficulty are therefore animalistic. Marked word patterns like â€Å"aching†, â€Å"flank†, â€Å"kinsman†, â€Å"rubs†, â€Å"scratch†, that one would ordinarily prefer other words for, are used for stylistic purposes, engendering the connotative, figurative sense. Living fire begets cold, impotent ash. p. 118 Theory: Ideational Types: Connotative/Stylistic Analysis: The sense engendered by this epigrammatic statement is the vanity of arrogance. By creating the image/idea of fire in our mind, we are implicitly told that fire flares up in pride but its consequence is cold, impotent ash. The connotative meanings of â€Å"cold† and â€Å"impotent† are quite essential and their stylistic association with ash lends credence to the force of the meaning. Both fire and â€Å"ash† conjure in us human qualities – the fire gives birth to a cold and impotent child in ash. The sense of the proverb or its message is that people should be good and level-headed when they are opportune (to be in a position) or alive; for, when they lose such position and die, they become useless and unwanted – subsequently becoming objects of public disdain.